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Music Diary page 4
The Psychopath

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Restless Sinner

RCA Records ( 2005 )

The Psychopath

The ' Floors Theory ' developed in the previous page is more than just an image.
It is the representation of a graduation pattern.

The ground floor, in this building, define the lowest level of the positive graduation.
This floor runs the risk of ' tipping ' in the first basement which is the entry
of the negative scale.

Let’s here take a closer look to these dark floors,
to these basements which are the spheres occupied by the psychopaths.

This term is used in the medical terminology to describe the devil.

After all, the perception of this levels is not so difficult and will be facilitated
through very recognizable signs.

Let’s define the main distinctive traits of the profile, it may be able to help someone.
And a right perception of evil gives meaning to a better knowledge of good.

We all, or nearly all, have a ball and chain tied to the foot.
On this ball is inscribed the ‘ E ‘ letter. As ego.
In most cases it works like a brake which is more or less powerful in personal growth.

In the case of the psychopath the ‘ I ‘ has reached a point of excess.
To the point it draws him through the ‘ positivity trigger line ‘.
Like pulled down in the depth.
An oversized ego is the first distinctive parameter of the profile.

It is not conceivable to define a devil without energy.
It’s a powerful energy even though its expression is contained and discreet.

The entire personality is masked.
A dissimulation which can be a very subtle play.
It may be hidden behind the attitude or presentation with falsed and manipulated relationships.
It's always an exploitation of appearances.
This dissimulation is revealed to be ironically one of the major recognition element
for the observer.

The snake does'nt wait in the middle of the road...
He waits hidden by the roadside and like any other predator will feel in its prey
his weakness and lack of experience.

Just like in the approach phase of a psychopath. 
This phase will be facilitated with a person with such of the following criterias : 
heartbreak, shallow mind,  submissive greed, disease state, bad split choice, karmic debt.

The tracking function for the approach but also for dissimulation and manipulation 
requires analytical skills.
If the psychopath is unable to have a global synthetic vision, his intelligence 

of analysis and details can be particularly incisive.

This ability is brilliantly described in the scene from the movie ' The Silence of the Lambs '
( Directed by Jonathan Demme in 1991 ) where we see Hannibal Lecter make a detailed description
from the personality of Clarice Starling, young efficient FBI trainee, through the bars of his cell. 

The ego has indeed a specific responsibility for narrowing the viewing angle
but also for increasing the depth of field.

This provides an answer to the question raised by Clarice Starling:
Why does this great analytical ability not applies to yourself ? 

First, because the narrowing of the field has excluded the psychopath himself.
Then, the development of the analytical capacity has the main objective to manipulate others. 

It can be seen in the scene, but also in the general profile, Hannibal Lecter 
has a sense of smell well developed.
The particular brain chemistry or the predatory instinct that compels him to ' feel the things '
surely provide a good explanation of this faculty.

A main point to be mentioned in the profile of psychopaths is the no emotional response. 
A psychopath  can not be ruled by an emotion because he does not feel any emotions. 
His attitude may remain cold as ice where another person would break into tears. 
The ' no feeling ' in general is a consequence of the entry in the negative spheres.

The psychopath may have some link to art and culture.
Especially with painting, music or esotericism.
As if it could be found somewhere in his personality a positive remanence.
However, the expression and appreciation of an art remains limited due to the lack of emotion.
In music, this appreciation can be confined to psychomotricity or in a vague appeal 

to a dark chords structure or a supercial melody.

In a group, the psychopath will seek to create division, conflict and rivalry.
In such a way he can establish its sense of ' superiority '.
He has a high sensitivity, particularly when facing criticism.
And he always has ulterior motives with all his relationships.
Even when he try to give a generous impression the expectation of a return 

will always be underlined.

In a couple, the relationship to the partner goes further than the simple need for domination.
He believes the soul of the other belongs to him.

The partner may turn, in some cases, to change its status of victim to a status of accomplice.
By analogy to the Stockholm syndrome to be found in victims of hostage-taking or sects.

The sexual orientation of the psychopath is deviant and included mostly his need to hurt.

The psychopath is a black sphere.
As a first step he will fill his prey with illusions.
But any relation or contact with this sphere will for sure have a negative outcome
filled with bad luck and misfortune.
The right situation is a complete detachment. 

In the graduated scale, the psychopath positioning is done by the depth of negativity 
and by its ' scope '.
The isolated demon, the serial killer and the dictator each have their distinctive basement.

' Love kills the demon ' is an answer from the role of Mickey Knox in the movie ' Natural Born Killers '
( directed by Olivers Stone in 1991 ) that gives by itself an exact argument.
However, this can not be achieved instantaneously.

The demon will have to take back one by one all the graduations until to find again a situation
that will be from all point of vue balanced.

So we can see it, there is a symmetrical correlation between good and evil.
The reversal of all parameters shows a positive situation.
Like a negative black and white picture developed with corresponding colors.

The oversized ego becomes absence of ego.
Destructive energy becomes distributive.
Dissimulation becomes innocence.
Calculation becomes devotion.
Manipulation becomes assistance.
Hypocrisy becomes truth.
And the
empty emotional zone becomes love.

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